What is English? What is Philosophy?

English and Philosophy are liberal arts programs that will improve your writing skills and sharpen your analytical abilities. A degree in English will also broaden your literary knowledge, while a degree in Philosophy will better enable you to reason and think logically. English and Philosophy degree holders teach at the collegiate level, publish articles in scholarly journals, present findings at academic conferences, write book reviews, and serve as editors, journalists, and speech writers.

What do English and Philosophy degree holders do in the Army?

Some English and Philosophy degree holders teach at USMA, while others teach at the Army War College and at the Command and General Staff College. English and Philosophy degree holders also serve as speech writers for General officers, as editors of journals such as the Military Review, and in agencies such as the Center for Army Professional Ethics. Perhaps most importantly, a degree in either English or Philosophy will hone those critical thinking and oral and written communications skills that are so vital to Army officers, regardless of the command or staff billet in which they serve.

What kinds of Master's Degrees predominate in the field?

Master of Arts in Literature or Philosophy.

What kinds of professionals study in typical English or Philosophy programs?

Master of Arts in Literature or Philosophy. Typically, students enrolled in Master's programs in English or Philosophy aspire to teach at the collegiate level.

Top English Programs for Army Officers
See http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-humanities-schools/english-rankings

Top Philosophy Programs for Army Officers
See see http://www.philosophicalgourmet.com/overall.asp

Where should I apply?

Ask yourself the following as you consider prospective programs:

  1. Do my GRE scores (you'll need to take that exam) and undergraduate transcripts make me competitive? Can I get into this school?
  2. Do I think that I can complete the degree requirements in the time allotted by the Army?
  3. Does this program specialize in an area of study that interests me?
  4. Where is the school located? Is this location advantageous for my family and for me?
  5. How will this degree (and the quality of the program to which I am applying) best serve me going forward?

What are the top programs for Army officers?

According to national rankings, the top English programs are Berkeley, Stanford, Yale, Columbia, Harvard, and Penn. The top Philosophy programs are NYU, Rutgers, Princeton, Pitt, and Michigan. The key, however, is to find the program that is right for you.

What are some of the schools from which Army officers currently on active duty earned Master's degrees in English?

Arizona State, Berkeley, Boston College, Colorado State, Delaware, Duquesne, Eastern Washington, Hofstra, Illinois, Kansas State, Massachusetts, NC State, Old Dominion, Oregon State, Penn, Penn State, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Stanford, Stetson, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington State.

What are some of the schools from which Army officers currently on active duty earned Master's degrees in Philosophy?

Connecticut, Georgetown, Georgia State, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Oklahoma, South Carolina, St Louis, SUNY Buffalo, Texas, Texas A&M, Tufts, Virginia, Virginia Tech.

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Researching Potential Schools

A wealth of information regarding graduate institutions is available online. Click on any of the icons below for more information: